• Adds a blinking circle around widget with the color (red,green,blue,alpha). The circle blinks twice. This function is commonly used for cinematic modes and is seen in TransmissionFromUnitWithNameBJ.


    • whichWidget: Widget<WidgetEventMap>

      The widget the indicator will be applied to.

    • red: number

      0-255 red color (value mod 256).

    • green: number

      0-255 green color (value mod 256).

    • blue: number

      0-255 blue color (value mod 256).

    • alpha: number

      0-255 opacity (value mod 256). Determining the transparency of the indicator. 0 is total transparency, 255 is total opacity.

    Returns void


    The size of the indicator depends on a widget's selection size. To modify this, you must edit the object editor field of the widget listed as "Art - Selection Size".

    The indicator is shown below the unit selection. If the unit is currently selected, the blinking indicator will be practically hidden by the selection circle. For more see SetImageType description.


    See: UnitAddIndicator (functionally equivalent to this widget version).

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