BlzCreateUnitWithSkin(id, unitid, x, y, face, skinId): Unit
Creates a unit with the model from the unit referenced by the skinId.
BlzCreateUnitWithSkin(players[0], 'hpea', 0, 0, 270, 'hfoo') will create a peasant with a footman model.
Scale from the unit referenced by the skinId is applied to whichUnit.
SoundSet from the unit referenced by the skinId is applied to whichUnit.
Creates a unit with the model from the unit referenced by the skinId.
BlzCreateUnitWithSkin(players[0], 'hpea', 0, 0, 270, 'hfoo')
will create a peasant with a footman model. Scale from the unit referenced by the skinId is applied to whichUnit. SoundSet from the unit referenced by the skinId is applied to whichUnit.