Returns the currently chosen player color display mode.
This is called "ally color mode" by the game (hotkey: Alt+A).
0 aka "Mode 1" (default):
Minimap: Player colors, youself are white
World: Unit colors same as player color
1 aka "Mode 2":
Minimap: Allies are teal, enemies are red, yourself are white
World: Unit colors same as player color
2 aka "Mode 3":
Minimap: Allies are teal, enemies are red, yourself are white
World: Allies are teal, enemies are red, own units are blue
Returns number
See: SetAllyColorFilterState
This setting affects how a unit's "Art - Team Color" (WE name) is displayed.
If the models you use rely on this color to match player color,
you can choose to force state=0 with SetAllyColorFilterState.
Returns the currently chosen player color display mode.
This is called "ally color mode" by the game (hotkey: Alt+A).
aka "Mode 1" (default):1
aka "Mode 2":2
aka "Mode 3":