• Writes the current Preload buffer to specified file. The first and final preload directives are call PreloadStart() and call PreloadEnd( realTime ). The value represents the time in seconds between the calls PreloadStart and PreloadGenEnd. There's no way to get this value with the API.

    Does not clear the buffer or timer after flushing. The file is overwritten. It's possible to specify subfolders: "myMapFolder/file.txt". Reforged: Any other tricks such as relative paths, UNC or drive letters will not write any files. Classic: possible to write to any path (verify?)

    *Example preload file:

    function PreloadFiles takes nothing returns nothing

    call PreloadStart()
    call Preload( "units\\human\\Knight\\Knight.mdx" )
    call PreloadEnd( 2.5 )



    • filename: string

      The filepath to be written to. Max length for filename is 259 characters (see: Windows MAX_PATH).

    Returns void


    Before Reforged (which version?) you needed to enable "Allow Local Files" in registry.


    Save Path:

    Reforged: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Warcraft III\CustomMapData\

    Classic: ?

    @note See: Preload, PreloadEnd, PreloadStart, PreloadRefresh, PreloadEndEx, PreloadGenClear, PreloadGenStart, Preloader.

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