• Pure

    Returns an integer by parsing the string for a number.

    For values too big or too small, returns max/min integer respectively. For an empty string or text that doesn't start with a number, returns 0.

    Lua: For null raises an error.

    Examples (Lua):

    S2I("") == 0
    S2I("-123") == -123
    S2I("-99999999") == -2147483648
    S2I("99999999") == 2147483647
    S2I("123abc") == 123
    S2I("abc123") == 0
    S2I(nil) -- error


    • s: string

      The string to be converted.

    Returns number


    This function only works for decimal strings. Hexadecimal or octal strings are not supported.


    The parser stops at the first non-number character [0-9.]. If the input string starts with some valid input but ends in invalid input this will return the conversion of the valid part: S2I("123asd") == 123.

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