• Show/hide the dialog for all players.

    A timer dialog is displayed above a multiboard in the top-right corner.


    • whichDialog: HandleHolder<"timerdialog">

      target dialog.

    • display: boolean

      true to show, false to hide.

    Returns void


    Multiple timer dialogues stack from right to left, for example: "Timer dialog 2 12:34:56" "Timer dialog 1 02:10:42".


    If the timer has not been started yet, it will not show any time: "Remaining ".


    A dialog display can be toggled per-player by using it inside a GetLocalPlayer condition.


    (v1.32.10) The second timerdialog's width and position is calculated and displayed incorrectly in ultra-wide mode (beyond 1800x920, 1.95 ratio).


    (v1.32.10) If you toggle visibility of one dialog but not the other in a single frame, the first dialog will appear below the second one.

        tdialog = CreateTimerDialog(CreateTimer())
    TimerDialogSetTitle(tdialog, "Timer1 Dialog __ 1")
    TimerDialogDisplay(tdialog, true)
    tdialog2 = CreateTimerDialog(CreateTimer())
    TimerDialogSetTitle(tdialog2, "Timer2 Dialog")
    TimerDialogDisplay(tdialog2, true)
    -- Correct up to this point.
    -- This is buggy:
    TimerDialogDisplay(tdialog, false)
    TimerDialogDisplay(tdialog2, true)
    TimerDialogDisplay(tdialog, true)
    -- Now tdialog will appear beneath tdialog2.


    1. Hide every dialog, then show those that you need.
    2. Introduce a sleep-wait before turning dialog display on.


    See: IsTimerDialogDisplayed.

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