• Set a new multiplier for the shown time remaining. Default is 1.0.

    The multiplier factor is applied literally to the displayed time: timerTimeRemainingSec * speedMultFactor.


    • whichDialog: HandleHolder<"timerdialog">

      target dialog to modify the speed of.

    • speedMultFactor: number

      new multiplicator factor.

      For factor 2.0 the displayed time will appear twice as fast (200% speed).

      For factor 0.5 the displayed time will appear half as fast (50% speed).

      Factor 0.0 will always display 00:00:00.

    Returns void


    It does not affect the underlying timer t from CreateTimerDialog. If you set the speed too high, the display will not become smoother as it updates roughly 2-3 times per second.

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