• Evaluates all functions that were added to the trigger via TriggerAddCondition. All return-values from all added condition-functions are anded together as the final return-value. Returns the boolean value of the return value from the condition-function. So if the condition-functions return 0/0.0/null, then TriggerEvaluate will return false. Note that an empty string "" would return true.


    Returns boolean


    If a condition-function crashes the thread or does not return any value TriggerEvaluate will return false.


    If you want to return false for a condition-function that returns string (for whatever reason) return null instead of "".


    All functions added via TriggerAddCondition are run. There is no short-circuting. If you want short-circuting use And or Or.


    All functions added via TriggerAddCondition are run in the order they were added.

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