Target unit.
Abilities' raw code identifier.
New ability level.
You can only set levels which are defined for the current ability. For example, most WC3 abilities have levels 1-3. Setting level <=0 will instead set it to level 1. Setting level >maximum will instead set it to abilities' highest level defined in WorldEditor.
When a unit picks up an item with an ability, the ability will be added to the unit's list of abilities. Thus, this function can be used
to set the level of an ability for an item on the unit, too. Since it's an attribute of the unit, a level set this way will not be retained
when the item is dropped and picked up again. Via item abilities, a unit can have more than one instance of ability with the same ability id.
This function will only set the level of the most recently obtained ability instance, then, which corresponds to the first ability instance found
when using BlzGetUnitAbilityByIndex
counting upwards.
Generated using TypeDoc
Sets the new level of unit's ability.