Issues an immediate order for the unit to use item pointed at position (x,y).
This is the same as left-clicking and using an item in inventory.
Units that cannot use items will not do anything.
Potion of Healing 'phea':
Restores HP
Dagger of Escape 'desc':
Casts immediately towards (x,y), even if too far, item on cooldown.
Does not cast if position is already reached (no cooldown).
Inferno Stone 'infs':
runs towards (x,y) and once in range, casts to spawn an Infernal.
If already in range, casts immediately.
Issues an immediate order for the unit to use item pointed at position (x,y).
This is the same as left-clicking and using an item in inventory. Units that cannot use items will not do anything.
Potion of Healing
: Restores HPDagger of Escape
: Casts immediately towards (x,y), even if too far, item on cooldown. Does not cast if position is already reached (no cooldown).Inferno Stone
: runs towards (x,y) and once in range, casts to spawn an Infernal. If already in range, casts immediately.