• Returns a new rectangle as defined by two points (minX, minY) and (maxX, maxY).

    The rectangle size and coordinates are limited to valid map coordinates, see GetWorldBounds.

    In Warcraft 3 the coordinates follow the regular cartesian system you know from school math. The minimum coordinates (towards negative infinity) are on the left/bottom, the maximum coordinates on right/top (towards positive infinity).

    In the following graphic the N stands for the minimum point (minX, minY) and X for the maximum point (maxX, maxY).

    | |
    | |


    • minx: number
    • miny: number
    • maxx: number
    • maxy: number

    Returns HandleHolder<"rect">


    You can't create your own rectangle that would match the dimensions of GetWorldBounds. The maxX and maxY will be smaller by 32.0 than that of the world bounds.


    See: RectFromLoc, RemoveRect, GetWorldBounds.

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